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Saint Seiya figurine Saint Cloth Myth Ex Virgo Shun Inheritor of the Gold Cloth BANDAI


voir aussi : Saint Seiya figurine Saint Cloth Myth Ex Virgo Shun Inheritor of the Gold Cloth BANDAI Saint Seiya figurine Saint Cloth Myth Ex Virgo Shun Inheritor of the Gold Cloth BANDAI Saint Seiya figurine Saint Cloth Myth Ex Virgo Shun Inheritor of the Gold Cloth BANDAI Saint Seiya figurine Saint Cloth Myth Ex Virgo Shun Inheritor of the Gold Cloth BANDAI Saint Seiya figurine Saint Cloth Myth Ex Virgo Shun Inheritor of the Gold Cloth BANDAI Saint Seiya figurine Saint Cloth Myth Ex Virgo Shun Inheritor of the Gold Cloth BANDAI

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ARTICLE EN PRÉCOMMANDE : Arrivage confirmé prévu fin Mars 2025


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Détails Produit

Figurine articulée taille env. 17 cm avec accessoires et parties interchangeables.

Modèle de la collection Saint Cloth Myth Ex disposant d´un système d´articulations avancé, fabriqué par Tamashii Nations